Facilitative strategies for retaining the alcohol-dependent client in outpatient treatment

TitleFacilitative strategies for retaining the alcohol-dependent client in outpatient treatment
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1988
AuthorsZweben, A, Bonner, M, Chaim, G, Santon, P
JournalAlcoholism Treatment Quarterly
Publication Languageeng
ISBN Number0734732415444538

Facilitative strategies for preventing early withdrawal from treatment among alcohol dependent clients are described. These strategies are amed at identifyin and resolving problems arising in treatment which might eventually lead to premature termination. Role induction, eliciting reflection on treatment, eliciting self-motivational statements, delaying commitment to change, immunization, exploring and interpreting noncompliant behavior are the techniques discussed in the paper. The various circumstances under which different strategies are employed are specified in order to demonstrate the utility of the intervention package. Tables and case illustrations are used to provide further detail on the implementation process.

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