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Kranzler HR, Wesson DR, Billot L. Naltrexone depot for treatment of alcohol dependence: A multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research [Internet]. 2004 [cited *1];28:1051-1059. Available from:
Donovan DM, Rosengren DB, Downey L, Cox GB, Sloan KL. Attrition prevention with individuals awaiting publicly funded drug treatment. Addiction [Internet]. 2001 [cited *1];96:1149-1160. Available from:
Dennis M, Titus JC, Diamond G, Donaldson J, Godley SH, Tims FM, Webb C, Kaminer Y, Babor T, Roebuck MC, et al. The cannabis youth treatment (CYT) experiment: Rationale, study design and analysis plans. Addiction [Internet]. 2002 [cited *1];97:16-34. Available from:
Scott CK, Dennis ML. Results from two randomized clinical trials evaluating the impact of quarterly recovery management checkups with adult chronic substance users. Addiction [Internet]. 2009 [cited *1];104:959-971. Available from:
Channon SJ, Huws-Thomas MV, Rollnick S, Hood K, Cannings-John RL, Rogers C, Gregory JW. A multicenter randomized controlled trial of motivational interviewing in teenagers with diabetes. Diabetes Care [Internet]. 2007 [cited *1];30:1390-1395. Available from:
Naar-King S, Wright K, Parsons JT, Frey M, Templin T, Lam P, Murphy D. Healthy choices: Motivational enhancement therapy for health risk behaviors in HIV-positive youth. AIDS Education and Prevention [Internet]. 2006 [cited *1];18:1-11. Available from:
LaBrie JW, Feres N, Kenney SR, Lac A. Family history of alcohol abuse moderates effectiveness of a group motivational enhancement intervention in college women. Addictive Behaviors [Internet]. 2009 [cited *2];34:415-420. Available from:
Schmiege SJ, Broaddus MR, Levin M, Bryan AD. Randomized trial of group interventions to reduce HIV/STD risk and change theoretical mediators among detained adolescents. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology [Internet]. 2009 [cited *2];77:38-50. Available from:
Zahradnik A, Otto C, Crackau B, Lohrmann I, Bischof G, John U, Rumpf HJ. Randomized controlled trial of a brief intervention for problematic prescription drug use in non-treatment-seeking patients. Addiction [Internet]. 2009 [cited *1];104:109-117. Available from:
Hulse GK, Tait RJ. Six-month outcomes associated with a brief alcohol intervention for adult in-patients with psychiatric disorders. Drug and Alcohol Review [Internet]. 2002 [cited *1];21:105-112. Available from:
White HR, Morgan TJ, Pugh LA, Celinska K, Labouvie EW, Pandina RJ. Evaluating two brief substance-use interventions for mandated college students. Journal of Studies on Alcohol [Internet]. 2006 [cited *1];67:309-317. Available from:
Kavanagh DJ, Young R, White A, Saunders JB, Wallis J, Shockley N, Jenner L, Clair A. A brief motivational intervention for substance misuse in recent-onset psychosis. Drug and Alcohol Review [Internet]. 2004 [cited *1];23:151-155. Available from:
Lawendowski LA. A motivational intervention for adolescent smokers. Preventive Medicine [Internet]. 1998 ;27:A39-A46. Available from:
McCambridge J, Slym RL, Strang J. Randomized controlled trial of motivational interviewing compared with drug information and advice for early intervention among young cannabis users. Addiction [Internet]. 2008 [cited *1];103:1809-1818. Available from:
Adolescent Attitudes
Gray E, McCambridge J, Strang J. The effectiveness of motivational interviewing delivered by youth workers in reducing drinking, cigarette and cannabis smoking among young people: Quasi-experimental pilot study. Alcohol and Alcoholism [Internet]. 2005 [cited 1];40:535-539. Available from:
Helstrom AW. A smoking intervention for high-risk adolescents. 2004 [cited *1].
Boyle C. The challenge of interviewing adolescents: Which psychotherapeutic approaches are useful in educational psychology?. Educational and Child Psychology [Internet]. 2007 ;24:36-45. Available from:
Sherbot NAA. The use of motivational enhancement therapy and the quit 4 life program as a means to facilitate adolescent smoking cessation. 2005 [cited *1].
Kelly AB, Lapworth K. The HYP program: Targeted motivational interviewing for adolescent violations of school tobacco policy. Preventive Medicine [Internet]. 2006 [cited *1];43:466-471. Available from:
Feldstein SW. Motivational interviewing with late-adolescent/college underage drinkers: An investigation of therapeutic alliance. 2008 [cited *1].
Berg-Smith SM, Stevens VJ, Brown KM, Van Horn L, Gernhofer N, Peters E, Greenberg R, Snetselaar L, Ahrens L, Smith K. A brief motivational intervention to improve dietary adherence in adolescents. Health Education Research [Internet]. 1999 [cited 1];14:399-410. Available from:


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