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Schmiege SJ, Broaddus MR, Levin M, Bryan AD. Randomized trial of group interventions to reduce HIV/STD risk and change theoretical mediators among detained adolescents. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology [Internet]. 2009 [cited *2];77:38-50. Available from:
Van Voorhees BW, Fogel J, Reinecke MA, Gladstone T, Stuart S, Gollan J, Bradford N, Domanico R, Fagan B, Ross R, et al. Randomized clinical trial of an internet-based depression prevention program for adolescents (Project CATCH-IT) in primary care: 12-week outcomes. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics [Internet]. 2009 [cited *1];30:23-37. Available from:
LaBrie JW, Pedersen ER, Earleywine M, Olsen H. Reducing heavy drinking in college males with the decisional balance: Analyzing an element of motivational interviewing. Addictive Behaviors [Internet]. 2006 [cited 1];31:254-263. Available from:
Soria R, Legido A, Escolano C, Lopez Yeste A, Montoya J. A randomised controlled trial of motivational interviewing for smoking cessation. British Journal of General Practice [Internet]. 2006 [cited *1];56:768-774. Available from:
Spirito A, Monti PM, Barnett NP, Colby SM, Sindelar H, Rohsenow DJ, Lewander W, Myers M. A randomized clinical trial of a brief motivational intervention for alcohol-positive adolescents treated in an emergency department. Journal of Pediatrics [Internet]. 2004 [cited *1];145:396-402. Available from:
Hodgins DC, Currie SR, Currie G, Fick GH. Randomized trial of brief motivational treatments for pathological gamblers: More is not necessarily better. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology [Internet]. 2009 [cited *3];77:950-960. Available from:
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Kaysen DL, Lee CM, LaBrie JW, Tollison SJ. Readiness to change drinking behavior in female college students. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs Supplement [Internet]. 2009 [cited *1]:106-114. Available from:
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Morgenstern J, Irwin TW, Wainberg ML, Parsons JT, Muench F, Bux, Donald A. J, Kahler CW, Marcus S, Schulz-Heik J. A randomized controlled trial of goal choice interventions for alcohol use disorders among men who have sex with men. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology [Internet]. 2007 [cited *1];75:72-84. Available from:
Hardcastle S, Taylor A, Bailey M, Castle R. A randomised controlled trial on the effectiveness of a primary health care based counselling intervention on physical activity, diet and CHD risk factors. Patient Education and Counseling [Internet]. 2008 [cited *1];70:31-39. Available from:
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Alexander GL, McClure JB, Calvi JH, Divine GW, Stopponi MA, Rolnick SJ, Heimendinger J, Tolsma DD, Resnicow K, Campbell MK, et al. A randomized clinical trial evaluating online interventions to improve fruit and vegetable consumption. American Journal of Public Health [Internet]. 2010 [cited *5];100:319-326. Available from:
LaBrie JW, Pedersen ER, Earleywine M, Olsen H. Reducing heavy drinking in college males with the decisional balance: Analyzing an element of motivational interviewing. Addictive Behaviors [Internet]. 2006 [cited 1];31:254-263. Available from:
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Scott CK, Dennis ML. Results from two randomized clinical trials evaluating the impact of quarterly recovery management checkups with adult chronic substance users. Addiction [Internet]. 2009 [cited *1];104:959-971. Available from:


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