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de Blok BM, de Greef MH, ten Hacken NH, Sprenger SR, Postema K, Wempe JB. The effects of a lifestyle physical activity counseling program with feedback of a pedometer during pulmonary rehabilitation in patients with COPD: A pilot study. Patient Education and Counseling [Internet]. 2006 [cited *1];61:48-55. Available from:
de Blok BM, de Greef MH, ten Hacken NH, Sprenger SR, Postema K, Wempe JB. The effects of a lifestyle physical activity counseling program with feedback of a pedometer during pulmonary rehabilitation in patients with COPD: A pilot study. Patient Education and Counseling [Internet]. 2006 [cited *1];61:48-55. Available from:
Boardman T, Catley D, Grobe JE, Little TD, Ahluwalia JS. Using motivational interviewing with smokers: Do therapist behaviors relate to engagement and therapeutic alliance?. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment [Internet]. 2006 ;31:329-339. Available from:
Boardman T, Catley D, Grobe JE, Little TD, Ahluwalia JS. Using motivational interviewing with smokers: Do therapist behaviors relate to engagement and therapeutic alliance?. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment [Internet]. 2006 ;31:329-339. Available from:
Bombardier CH, Bell KR, Temkin NR, Fann JR, Hoffman J, Dikmen S. The efficacy of a scheduled telephone intervention for ameliorating depressive symptoms during the first year after traumatic brain injury. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation [Internet]. 2009 [cited *3];24:230-238. Available from:
Booth RE, Corsi KF, Mikulich-Gilbertson SK. Factors associated with methadone maintenance treatment retention among street-recruited injection drug users. Drug and Alcohol Dependence [Internet]. 2004 [cited *1];74:177-185. Available from:
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Booth RE, Corsi KF, Mikulich-Gilbertson SK. Factors associated with methadone maintenance treatment retention among street-recruited injection drug users. Drug and Alcohol Dependence [Internet]. 2004 [cited *1];74:177-185. Available from:
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Bowen DJ, Beresford SAA, Vu T, Feng Z, Tinker L, Hart, A. J, Christensen CL, McLerran D, Satia-Abouta J, Campbell M. Baseline data and design for a randomized intervention study of dietary change in religious organizations. Preventive Medicine [Internet]. 2004 [cited *2];39:602-611. Available from: URL:
Bowen DJ, Beresford SAA, Vu T, Feng Z, Tinker L, Hart, A. J, Christensen CL, McLerran D, Satia-Abouta J, Campbell M. Baseline data and design for a randomized intervention study of dietary change in religious organizations. Preventive Medicine [Internet]. 2004 [cited *2];39:602-611. Available from: URL:
Bowen D, Ehret C, Pedersen M, Snetselaar L, Johnson M, Tinker L, Hollinger D, Ilona L, Bland K, Sivertsen D, et al. Results of an adjunct dietary intervention program in the women's health initiative. Journal of the American Dietetic Association [Internet]. 2002 [cited *1];102:1631-1637. Available from:
Bowen D, Ehret C, Pedersen M, Snetselaar L, Johnson M, Tinker L, Hollinger D, Ilona L, Bland K, Sivertsen D, et al. Results of an adjunct dietary intervention program in the women's health initiative. Journal of the American Dietetic Association [Internet]. 2002 [cited *1];102:1631-1637. Available from:
Bowen D, Ehret C, Pedersen M, Snetselaar L, Johnson M, Tinker L, Hollinger D, Ilona L, Bland K, Sivertsen D, et al. Results of an adjunct dietary intervention program in the women's health initiative. Journal of the American Dietetic Association [Internet]. 2002 [cited *1];102:1631-1637. Available from:
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Broers S, Smets E, Bindels P, Evertsz FB, Calff M, de Haes H. Training general practitioners in behavior change counseling to improve asthma medication adherence. Patient Education and Counseling [Internet]. 2005 ;58:279-287. Available from:
Broers S, Smets E, Bindels P, Evertsz FB, Calff M, de Haes H. Training general practitioners in behavior change counseling to improve asthma medication adherence. Patient Education and Counseling [Internet]. 2005 ;58:279-287. Available from:
Brown TG, Dongier M, Ouimet MC, Tremblay J, Chanut F, Legault L, Ng Ying Kin NM. Brief motivational interviewing for DWI recidivists who abuse alcohol and are not participating in DWI intervention: A randomized controlled trial. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research [Internet]. 2010 [cited *1];34:292-301. Available from:
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