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Kahler CW, Read JP, Ramsey SE, Stuart GL, McCrady BS, Brown RA. Motivational enhancement for 12-step involvement among patients undergoing alcohol detoxification. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology [Internet]. 2004 [cited *1];72:736-741. Available from:
Kalichman SC, Cherry C, Browne-Sperling F. Effectiveness of a video-based motivational skills-building HIV risk-reduction intervention for inner-city African American men. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology [Internet]. 1999 [cited *2];67:959-966. Available from:
Kaysen DL, Lee CM, LaBrie JW, Tollison SJ. Readiness to change drinking behavior in female college students. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs Supplement [Internet]. 2009 [cited *1]:106-114. Available from:
Kreman R, Yates BC, Agrawal S, Fiandt K, Briner W, Shurmur S. The effects of motivational interviewing on physiological outcomes. Applied Nursing Research [Internet]. 2006 [cited *3];19:167-170. Available from:
Kuyper L, de Wit J, Heijman T, Fennema H, van Bergen J, Vanwesenbeeck I. Influencing risk behavior of sexually transmitted infection clinic visitors: Efficacy of a new methodology of motivational preventive counseling. AIDS Patient Care and STDS [Internet]. 2009 [cited *1];23:423-431. Available from:
Maisto SA, Conigliaro J, McNeil M, Kraemer K, Conigliaro RL, Kelley ME. Effects of two types of brief intervention and readiness to change on alcohol use in hazardous drinkers. Journal of Studies on Alcohol [Internet]. 2001 [cited *1];62:605-614. Available from:
Marlatt GA, Baer JS, Kivlahan DR, Dimeff LA, Larimer ME, Quigley LA, Somers JM, Williams E. Screening and brief intervention for high-risk college student drinkers: Results from a 2-year follow-up assessment. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology [Internet]. 1998 [cited *1];66:604-615. Available from:
Martin G, Copeland J, Swift W. The adolescent cannabis check-up: Feasibility of a brief intervention for young cannabis users. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment [Internet]. 2005 [cited 1];29:207-213. Available from:
McCambridge J, Strang J. The efficacy of single-session motivational interviewing in reducing drug consumption and perceptions of drug-related risk and harm among young people: Results from a multi-site cluster randomized trial. Addiction [Internet]. 2004 [cited *1];99:39-52. Available from:
McCambridge J, Slym RL, Strang J. Randomized controlled trial of motivational interviewing compared with drug information and advice for early intervention among young cannabis users. Addiction [Internet]. 2008 [cited *1];103:1809-1818. Available from:
McCambridge J, Platts S, Whooley D, Strang J. Encouraging GP alcohol intervention: Pilot study of change-orientated reflective listening (CORL). Alcohol and Alcoholism [Internet]. 2004 [cited 3];39:146-149. Available from:
McNally AM, Palfai TP, Kahler CW. Motivational interventions for heavy drinking college students: Examining the role of discrepancy-related psychological processes. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors [Internet]. 2005 [cited *1];19:79-87. Available from:
Mhurchu CN, Margetts BM, Speller V. Randomized clinical trial comparing the effectiveness of two dietary interventions for patients with hyperlipidaemia. Clinical Science [Internet]. 1998 [cited *1];95:479-487. Available from:
Miller JH, Moyers TB. Motivational interviewing in substance abuse: Applications for occupational medicine. Occupational Medicine [Internet]. 2002 ;17:51-65. Available from:
Monti PM, Colby SM, Barnett NP, Spirito A, Rohsenow DJ, Myers M, Woolard R, Lewander W. Brief intervention for harm reduction with alcohol-positive older adolescents in a hospital emergency department. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology [Internet]. 1999 [cited *1];67:989-994. Available from:
Morgenstern J, Bux, Donald A. J, Parsons J, Hagman BT, Wainberg M, Irwin T. Randomized trial to reduce club drug use and HIV risk behaviors among men who have sex with men. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology [Internet]. 2009 [cited *1];77:645-656. Available from:
Murphy JG, Benson TA, Vuchinich RE, Deskins MM, Eakin D, Flood AM, McDevitt-Murphy ME, Torrealday O. A comparison of personalized feedback for college student drinkers delivered with and without a motivational interview. Journal of Studies on Alcohol [Internet]. 2004 [cited *1];65:200-203. Available from:
Murphy JG, Duchnick JJ, Vuchinich RE, Davison JW, Karg RS, Olson AM, Smith AF, Coffey TT. Relative efficacy of a brief motivational intervention for college student drinkers. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors [Internet]. 2001 [cited *1];15:373-379. Available from:


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