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Miller WR. It all depends. Addiction [Internet]. 2008 ;103:1819-1820. Available from:
Miller WR, Sovereign GR, Krege B. Motivational interviewing with problem drinkers: II. The drinker's check-up as a preventive intervention. Behavioural Psychotherapy [Internet]. 1988 [cited *1];16:251-268. Available from: 10.1017/S0141347300014129
Miller WR. Motivation for treatment: A review with special emphasis on alcoholism. Psychological Bulletin [Internet]. 1985 ;98:84-107. Available from: 10.1037/0033-2909.98.1.84
Miller WR. Comments on Dunn et al.'s "The use of brief interventions adapted from motivational interviewing across behavioral domains: A systematic review". When is it motivational interviewing?. Addiction [Internet]. 2001 ;96:1770-1772; discussion 1774-5. Available from:
Miller WR, Rollnick S. Talking oneself into change: Motivational interviewing, stages of change, and therapeutic process. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy [Internet]. 2004 ;18:299-308. Available from: 10.1891/jcop.
Miller WR. The ethics of motivational interviewing revisited. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy [Internet]. 1995 ;23:345-348. Available from:
Miller WR. 'The use of brief interventions adapted from motivational interviewing across behavioral domains: A systematic review': Comment. Addiction [Internet]. 2005 ;100. Available from:
Miller WR, Sovereign GR. The check-up: A model for early intervention in addictive behaviors. In: Miller WR, Nathan PE, Marlatt GA Addictive behaviors: Prevention and early intervention. Addictive behaviors: Prevention and early intervention. Lisse, Netherlands: Swets & Zeitlinger; 1989. pp. 219-231. Available from:
Miller WR. Motivational interviewing with problem drinkers. Behavioural Psychotherapy [Internet]. 1983 ;11:147-172. Available from: 10.1017/S0141347300006583
Miller WR. Motivational interviewing: IV. Some parallels with horse whispering. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy [Internet]. 2000 ;28:285-292. Available from:
Miller WR, Rollnick S. Motivational interviewing: Preparing people to change addictive behavior. New York: Guilford Press; 1991. Available from:
Miller WR. Increasing motivation for change. In: Hester RK, Miller WR Handbook of alcoholism treatment approaches: Effective alternatives. 2ndnd ed. Handbook of alcoholism treatment approaches: Effective alternatives. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon; 1995. pp. 89-104. Available from:
Miller WR. Enhancing patient motivation for health behavior change. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation [Internet]. 2005 ;25:207-209. Available from:
Miller WR, Sanchez VC. Motivating young adults for treatment and lifestyle change. In: Howard GS, Nathan PE Alcohol use and misuse by young adults. Alcohol use and misuse by young adults. Notre Dame, IN : University of Notre Dame Press; 1994. pp. 55-81. Available from:
Miller WR. Rediscovering fire: Small interventions, large effects. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors [Internet]. 2000 ;14:6-18. Available from:
Miller WR, Mount KA. A small study of training in motivational interviewing: Does one workshop change clinician and client behavior?. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy [Internet]. 2001 ;29:457-471. Available from:
Miller WR, Rollnick S. Motiverande samtal : att hjälpa människor till förändring. Stockholm: Natur & kultur; 2009.
Miller WR. Motivational interviewing: III. On the ethics of motivational intervention. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy [Internet]. 1994 ;22:111-123. Available from: 10.1017/S1352465800011905
Miller WR. Motivational interviewing in service to health promotion. American Journal of Health Promotion [Internet]. 2004 ;18:1-10. Available from:
Miller WR, Rose GS. Motivational interviewing in relational context. American Psychologist [Internet]. 2010 ;65:298-299. Available from:
Miller WR. Why do people change addictive behavior? The 1996 H. David Archibald lecture. Addiction [Internet]. 1998 ;93:163-172. Available from:
Miller WR, Benefield RG, Tonigan JS. Enhancing motivation for change in problem drinking: A controlled comparison of two therapist styles. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology [Internet]. 1993 [cited *1];61:455-461. Available from:
Miller WR, Yahne CE, Tonigan JS. Motivational interviewing in drug abuse services: A randomized trial. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology [Internet]. 2003 [cited *1];71:754-763. Available from:
Miller WR. Motivation and treatment goals. Drugs and Society [Internet]. 1987 ;1:133-152. Available from:
Miller WR. 'The use of brief interventions adapted from motivational interviewing across behavioral domains: A systematic review': Comment. Addiction [Internet]. 2001 ;96:1770-1771. Available from:


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