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Collins SE, Carey KB. Lack of effect for decisional balance as a brief motivational intervention for at-risk college drinkers. Addictive Behaviors [Internet]. 2005 [cited *1];30:1425-1430. Available from:
Carey KB, Carey MP, Maisto SA, Purnine DM. The feasibility of enhancing psychiatric outpatients' readiness to change their substance use. Psychiatric Services [Internet]. 2002 [cited 1];53:602-608. Available from:
Borsari B, Carey KB. Effects of a brief motivational intervention with college student drinkers. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology [Internet]. 2000 [cited *1];68:728-733. Available from:
Carey KB, Purnine DM, Maisto SA, Carey MP. Enhancing readiness-to-change substance abuse in persons with schizophrenia. A four-session motivation-based intervention. Behavior Modification [Internet]. 2001 ;25:331-384. Available from:
Collins SE, Carey KB, Smyth J. Relationships of linguistic and motivation variables with drinking outcomes following two mailed brief interventions. Journal of Studies on Alcohol [Internet]. 2005 ;66:526-535. Available from:
Collins SE, Carey KB, Smyth J. Relationships of linguistic and motivation variables with drinking outcomes following two mailed brief interventions. Journal of Studies on Alcohol [Internet]. 2005 ;66:526-535. Available from:
Barnett NP, Tevyaw TO'L, Fromme K, Borsari B, Carey KB, Corbin WR, Colby SM, Monti PM. Brief alcohol interventions with mandated or adjudicated college students. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research [Internet]. 2004 ;28:966-975. Available from:
Collins SE, Carey KB. Lack of effect for decisional balance as a brief motivational intervention for at-risk college drinkers. Addictive Behaviors [Internet]. 2005 [cited *1];30:1425-1430. Available from:
Carey KB, Carey MP, Maisto SA, Purnine DM. The feasibility of enhancing psychiatric outpatients' readiness to change their substance use. Psychiatric Services [Internet]. 2002 [cited 1];53:602-608. Available from:
Carey KB, Purnine DM, Maisto SA, Carey MP. Enhancing readiness-to-change substance abuse in persons with schizophrenia. A four-session motivation-based intervention. Behavior Modification [Internet]. 2001 ;25:331-384. Available from:
Alcohol Drinking/*epidemiology/prevention & control/*therapy
Barnett NP, Tevyaw TO'L, Fromme K, Borsari B, Carey KB, Corbin WR, Colby SM, Monti PM. Brief alcohol interventions with mandated or adjudicated college students. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research [Internet]. 2004 ;28:966-975. Available from:
Alcohol Drinking/*prevention & control
Borsari B, Carey KB. Effects of a brief motivational intervention with college student drinkers. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology [Internet]. 2000 [cited *1];68:728-733. Available from:


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